

    黄金屋     艺术

  1. B和我
  2. 爱-衰老期(Senility)
  3. 名利(Fame)
  4. 工作(Work)
  5. 时间(Time)
  6. 死亡(Death)
  7. 环境(Atmosphere)
  8. 刺(The Tingle)
  9. 后记(Afterword)




译者序里,Lou Reed在Drella‘s songWork中唱到:

Sometimes I can’t decide what I should do

I think what would Andy have said

He’d probably say you think too much

That’s cause there’s work that you don’t want to do

It’s work, the most important thing is work

Work, the most important thing is work


第一章 是他和他的朋友B(Brigid Berlin)的对话,每天早上他都会和B通话。

People are always calling me a mirror, and if a mirror looks into a mirror, what is there to see?

- 当我看着镜子,我只知道我看到的自己跟别人看到的不同。

- 因为我看待自己的方式,是我想看到的自己。我只为我自己做那些表情。我不会去做那些别人看得到我做的表情。我不会扭着嘴唇说:“钱呢?”









The affectless gaze, the diffracted grace…

The bored languor, the wasted pallor

The chick freakiness, the basically passive astonishment, the enthralling secret knowledge…

The chintzy joy, the revelatory tropisms, the chalky, puckish mask, the slightly Slavic look…

The childlike gum-chewing naivete, the glamour rooted in despair, the self-admiring carelessness, the perfected otherness, the wispiness, the shadowy, voyeuristic, vaguely sinister aura, the pale, soft spoken magical presence, the skin and bones…



Anyway, it’s more exciting to see where people live than what they wear.


I wish I could invent something like bluejeans. Something to be remembered for. Something mass.

I want to die with my bluejeans on.




As soon as you stop wanting something you get it. I’ve found that to be absolutely axiomatic.



The most exciting thing is not-doing-it.

If you fall in love with someone and never do it, it’s much more exciting.


Love affairs get too involved, and they’re not really worth it. But if, for some reason, you feel that they are, you should put in exactly as much time and energy as the other person. In other words, “I’ll pay you if you pay me”.

Fantasty love is much better than reality love. Never doing it is very exciting.

The most exciting attractions are between two opposites that never meet.



I wonder if it’s possible to have a love affair that lasts forever. If you’re married for thirty years and you’re “cooking breakfast for the one you love” and he walks in, does his heart really skip a beat? I mean just a regular morning. I guess it skips a beat over that breakfast and that’s nice, too. It’s nice to have a little breakfast made for you.


Couples do become like each other when they’re toghther for a long time, because you like the person and you pick up their mannerisms and their little good habits. And you eat the same food.



I get very nervous when I think someone is falling in love with me. Every time I have a “romance” I’m so nervous I bring the whole office with me. That’s usually about five or six people. They all come to pick me up and then we go to pick her up. Love me, love my office.

Everybody winds up kissing the wrong person good-night. One of my ways of thanking the office for coming with me to chapterone is to make myself available to chapterone with their dates. One or two of them like to take advantage of that service, because one or two of them are a little like me, they don’t want anything to happen. When I’m there, they tell me, nothing happens. I make nothing happen. Wherever I go. I can tell when one of them is glad to see me walk in the door, because something is happening and they can’t wait for me to make nothing happen. Especially when they’re stranded in Italy, because you know how the Italians like to make something happen. I’m the obvious antidote.


People should fall in love with their eyes closed. Just close your eyes. Don’t look.



I really don’t care that much about “Beauties”. What I really like are Talkers. To me, good talkers are beautiful because good talk is what I love. The word itself shows why I like Talkers better than Beauties, why I tape more than I film. It’s not “talkies”. Talkers are doing something. Beauties are being something. Which isn’t necessarily bad, it’s just that I don’t know what it is that they’re being. It’s more fun to be with people who are doing things.



Some people, even intelligent people, say that violence can be beautiful. I can’t understand that, because beautiful is some moments, and for me those moments are never violent.


Sometimes something can look beautiful just because it’s different in some way from the other things around it. One red petunia in a window box will look very beautiful if all the rest of them are white, and vice versa.


When you just see somebody in the street, they can really have an aura. But then when they open their mouth, there goes the aura. “Aura” must be until you open your mouth.



A good reason to be famous, though, is so you can read all the big magazines and know everybody in all the stories. Page after page it’s just all people you’ve met. I love that kind of reading experience and that’s the best reason to be famous.

关于TV Magic,或者说“上台不怯场”效应

Certain people have TV magic: they fall completely apart off-camera but they are completely together on-camera. They shake and sweat before they go on, they shake and sweat during commercials, they shake and sweat when it’s all over; but while the camera is filming them, they’re poised and confident-looking. The camera turns them on and off.

他也说了他自己并不是那种拥有TV Magic的人

I never fall apart because I never fall together. … I can’t think about anything that’s going to come out of my mouth. “I’m going to faint”.



So you should always have a product that’s not just “you”. An actress should count up her plays and movies and a model should count up her photographs and a writer should count up his words and an artist should count up his pictures so you always know exactly what you’re worth, and you don’t get stuck thinking your product is you and your fame, and your aura.


An actress friend told me that after she didn’t want money and jewels anymore, that’s when she got money and jewels. I guess it’s for our own good that it always happens that way, because after you stop wanting things is when having them won’t make you go crazy.


Wherever it’s possible, you should try to pay people in measurements that are the most suitable for their talent or job. A writer may want to get paid by the word, by the page, by the number of times the reader breaks down crying or bursts out laughing, by the chapter, by the number of new ideas introduced, by the book, or by the year, just to name a few possible categories. A director may want to get paid by the movie or by the foot or by the number of times a Chevrolet appears in the frames.



If the lines on your hands are wrinkles, it must mean your hands worry a lot.


They always say that time changes things, but you actually have to change them yourself.


About Time

From time to time | Do time | Time yourself | weekends | In time | In no time | In good time | Between time | Time and again | Lifetime | Time-worn | Pass time | Mark time | Buy time | Keep time | On time | In time | Time off | Time out | Time in | Time card | Time lapse | Time zone | The beforetime | The meantime | The aftertime | The All-time




I‘m impressed with people who can create new spaces with the right words. I only know one language, and sometimes in a middle of a sentence I feel like a foreigner trying to talk it because I have word spasms where the parts of some words begin to sound peculiar to me and in the middle of saying the word I’ll think, “Oh, this can’t be right–this sounds very peculiar, I don’t know if I should try to finish up this word or try to make it into something else, because if it comes out good it’ll be right, but if it comes out bad it’ll sound retarded, and so in the middle of words that are over one syllable, I sometimes get confused and try to graft other words on top of them. Sometimes this makes good jounalism and when they quote me it looks good in print, and other times it’s very embarrassing. You can never predict what will come out when the words you’re saying start to sound strange to you and you start to patch.”


The best atmosphere I can think of is film, because it’s three-dimensional phiscally and two-dimensional emotionally.


刺(The Tingle)

My mind is like a tape recorder with one button – Erase


Maybe the reason my memory is so bad is that I always do at least two things at once. It’s easier to forget something you only half-did or quater-did.



What’s new? 有啥新鲜事?



读了中文版,也和原文对照着看了下,发现安迪是一个很聪明很世故对出名充满了强烈的渴望的人,他作为波普艺术的创立者,确实是有才华的。不过他也是普通人,也会在生活中遇到和普通人一样的问题,只不过他看待问题的方式确实有些特别。看到了最后几章,尤其是The Tingle,里面是他和朋友B打电话,B在收拾东西,然后接下来开始了朋友对自己正在收拾区域的描述:抽屉、桌子、壁橱、吸尘器扫地等等。真的就是通篇不分段然后一种碎碎念的感觉,很难看下去,So,That’s all.




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Mick Jagger



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Edie Sedgwick

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Seated Male Nude

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